Editing Users

To edit an existing user:

  1. Go to Site Administration > Manage Users
  2. Click on a username to open the Edit User page
  3. Make any necessary edits
  4. Click Save

When editing users, please consider the following guidelines:

  • Do not issue an existing username to a different individual—each user should have their own unique username.
  • If a user should no longer have access, the username should be made inactive. To do this, uncheck the 'Active' checkbox and Save to deactivate a user.
  • If an account is locked, to unlock it, click the Unlock button at the top of the Edit User page (to the right of the 'Active' box).
  • If the username or organization was incorrectly entered, the user should be deleted—these fields are non-editable.

For more information on editing user permissions, see here.

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