NEBF Cash Receipts Report Not Balanced

Looking for help when the NEBF Cash Receipts Report contribution totals don't actually equal the amount collected? 

Here are steps you can take to help you figure out why: 

  1. Confirm that you are using the correct processing dates 
  2. Confirm that you aren't including any benefit payments processed in EPRLive today. The NEBF Cash Receipts report doesn't pull in any payments processed in EPRLive current day.
  3. When ran for the same date range, does the NEBF and/or NEAP totals in the NEBF Cash Receipt's report match the totals on the Funding or Fund Administration Cash Receipts report?
    1. Doesn't Match - There is likely a report that wasn't Released. Review Funding Roster for unprocessed reports or compare two reports to find the differences.
    2. If it Matches - This means the payments you processed in EPRLive don't actually match the payments collected, review each individual payment line item to find the discrepancy and make the correction. 
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