Steps for Uploading with MPRU

MPRU allows you to upload multiple reports with employee data in one file. Follow the general steps below for uploading payroll reports:
1.      Before uploading, please make sure any new items (agreements, classifications, and employers) included on the upload file have been created in EPRLive 
2.      Navigate to the My Reports menu
3.      Click on the report named Upload Payroll Reports
4.      Click Browse
5.      Select your .csv file
6.      Click Upload
7.      If the text at the top of the screen tells you no reports have been uploaded, and/or there is an error message that is not a validation error, download the file and check under Fund Reports to make sure no data has been uploaded. Please note that the system does not save past error messages or validation errors, so be sure to save that information before leaving the page
  • If no data has been uploaded, consult the download file and/or error message to understand what needs to be changed in your upload file. If you have questions, contact EPRLive Support
  • If data has been uploaded despite the error message, contact EPRLive Support
8.      If you have confirmation that some or all of the reports have been uploaded, download the confirmation file and review any validation errors
  • If there were reports kicked out due to negative amounts being reported, manually enter those reports
9.      Run the Audit Employers report for the current day to confirm that the data uploaded is correct. Things to check include:
  • Rows of data match the rows in the upload file
  • Benefit totals match the benefit totals in the upload file
10.   If an error is found the day you uploaded the file, each report can still be deleted individually before uploading an edited file
11.   Rename or move the upload file from your computer to prevent accidentally uploading the reports a second time
12.   Reports will now be found in a status of Submitted waiting to be processed under the Funding menu
13.   Follow your internal processes for reconciling and releasing the submitted reports
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